
Information Side bar

Members : 8765
Paid Members : 8
Total Url's : 94
Today's Surf : 0
Yesterdays Surf : 0
Average Surf : 19
Current Surfers : 0
Total Banners : 30
Yesterdays Shows : 0
Total Adverts : 28
Yesterdays Shows : 0
Average Shows : 6

Exchange News

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inside the manager.

Main Banner Show 2
This spot can be configured
inside the manager.

Welcome to Dragon Hits
Let us Set Your Traffic on Fire!!!

Dragon Hits Cash Surf Traffic Exchange will Allow Paid to Click (PTC), Paid to Read (PTR) and Paid to Promote (PTP) sites to be listed, We ONLY Accept Paypal.

Dragon Hits is a manual traffic exchange.

5 Membership Levels to meet EVERYONE'S Needs
Many different ways for you to Advertise your Sites

Q/ What is a Traffic Exchange?

A/ Traffic Exchange is an advertising Website where you visit other websites in exchange for visitors to your own website. The more sites that you visit, the more visitors you receive to your own website. Whilst viewing sites there is a timer that ensures that you view each website for a preset number of seconds. When other people view your site they will also view it for a set amount of seconds before they can go and view another website. The number of seconds varies from one traffic exchange to another, most are set to between 15 and 30 seconds.

Q/ How does a traffic exchange work?

A/ Members visit websites that have been added by fellow members in return for visiting members sites you earn credits. You as a member use these credits to get real visitors to your site. Use the categories listed to get targeted traffic to your sites or offers.

If you are looking to sell your own products, promote your affiliate programs then you need traffic to your your websites.
Dragon Hits will send website traffic to your sites, All our members have paid to join so they have proved they will spend on programs they are interested in.

Come and join us today!

Reasons to Join Dragon Hits!

Instantly Increase Your Traffic! Your site will begin to receive visitors as soon as you activate your account.
You will need to add your website and then add credits to your website before you start getting visitors.
If you want targeted visitors you will need to choose a catorgory that you would like traffic from.
Chat with fellow members or the admin While You Surf.

Extra Earnings and Credits.

Extra Credits - Click Banners Earn extra credits for clicking banners.
Win Credits playing games.
Referral contests and Surfing Contests.
Win Prizes While Surfing! You can Win Credits or Cash Prizes.

Earn extra Traffic With Referral Rewards!
Earn additional bonuses for every person you introduce to Dragon Hits. You receive a bonus for every member you signup. Use your referral link to introduce new members and build a downline. You will be able to contact your downline members.

More Than Just a Traffic Exchange!
You can earn more advertising by adding text and banner ads to your site! Credits earned from both are used to generate more advertising for your adverts.

Not Just a Traffic, Banner and Text Exchange!
Use the affiliate builder to increase the downline in your other programs.
By adding your link to the affiliate builder you are automatically and instantly making your link available to other members to join and increasing your downline at the same time.


NO Adult Content Sites that contains Adult Content, Pornographic Material, Racial or Hate Issues, Vulgar
Language, Illegal content, and Violence
NO HYIP Programs Sites promoting HYIP Programs
NO pop-ups NO pop-up window allowed, Slide in/out is ok
No Auto load Sound/Video, Sound/Video is OK if it has a start button
NO Frame Breakers The ability to break out of Dragon Hits frames
NO Virus or script downloads Virus or script downloads

All sites 100% English

Any other program that DragonHits.com feel is not suitable.
DraognHits.com reserves the right to suspend the site(s), and all credits assigned will be deleted.
The decision of DraognHits.com in these matters is final.

In extreme cases or in the case of repeat offender, DraognHits.com also reserves the right to terminate the members account.

Only one user per account. YOU must surf to earn credits. If you do not want to surf or have the time you can buy credits.

We will not ask you to invest any money and will not pay you interest on any money you send us. If you purchase upgrades or advertising from this website. There will be no element of "investment" in that payment. And the purchase price will be for the upgrades or advertising only.


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